Call us today at 817-336-5533 or 806-491-4911 for a free consultation. Gary Ingram is a board certified attorney with more than 45 years of experience in successfully handling labor and employment law issues.Headshot of Rod Tanner, Managing Shareholder at Tanner and Associates, PC in Fort Worth, Texas, Specializing in Labor and Employment Law. Jay has more than 35 years of experience representing management clients in all types of employment litigation and serving as a trusted advisor to clients. Caroline Harrison is a founding Partner of Pham Harrison LLP. At Stacy Cole Law, P.C., you will be treated as an individual client. The Fort Worth office offers clinics on a variety of legal topics including general civil matters, wills, employment matters and bankruptcy. Visit our 'Contact Us' page now. Tarrant County Has 537 Employment and Labor Attorneys with 345 Reviews ; Lara Johnson Newman.