This book provides a basic overview of Texas employment laws. It is organized into six primary sections: 1).This book provides valuable information for managers, business owners, and HR professionals on some of the most common issues employers face. Maslanka's Texas Field Guide to Employment Law: FLSA, FMLA, ADA, Texas Labor Code ; eBook: epub 2019 Edition. HR Made Easy for Texas - The Employers Guide That Answers Every Labor and Employment Law in ths State of Texas. 8. Are there a couple good books or podcasts that would get a newbie up to speed on basic US labor law and are consumer friendly for the non-expert? If you employ people in Texas, you need to know which employee benefits The Lone Star State requires. Learn about the HR laws that are unique to Texas. Excerpts from real case law throughout the book illustrate how employmentrelated disputes arise and get resolved in the courts. There is misnomer that prior notice is required to quit.