A pedestrian facing a green signal may proceed across a roadway within a marked or unmarked crosswalk unless the sole green signal is a turn arrow. When the walk sign or green signal shows on a marked or unmarked crosswalk, drivers must give pedestrians the rightofway.(a) A pedestrian may not walk along and on a roadway if an adjacent sidewalk is provided and is accessible to the pedestrian. Drivers must yield to pedestrians who are crossing in a crosswalk, even when the driver is permitted to make a left or right turn. Section 552.003 Texas' crosswalk law states that pedestrians have the rightofway in crosswalks that do not have traffic control signals in operation. What can pedestrians do to stay safe? When a vehicle is emerging from a building, alleyway, or private drive, they must yield the right of way to any pedestrians in the area. The law restricting pedestrians from walking on roads has been revised to let pedestrians use roadways in certain situations. When a vehicle is emerging from a building, alleyway, or private drive, they must yield the right of way to any pedestrians in the area. Where Should Pedestrians Go If There Are No Sidewalks?