The cases will be dismissed on the date indicated in the notice unless the Court retains it. Attorneys cannot make a setting in cases set for dismissal.An employee who knowingly files a false complaint is subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Call (512) 271-5527 - Austin Employment Lawyers, P.C. - Aggressive advocates dedicated to your interests in Employment and Discrimination cases. Travis Bertrand is currently developing his practice in all areas of employment and labour law, including employment standards and labour relations. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 60TH AIR MOBILITY WING TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 1764, AFL-CIO. CDL holders are not eligible for DSC dismissal. Travis County's award winning jury impaneling system just got better! We've added features to keep you up to date on your jury assignment. Call (512) 271-5527 - Austin Employment Lawyers, P.C. - Aggressive advocates dedicated to your interests in Wrongful Termination and Employment Law cases.