As such, it is illegal to discriminate against job applicants because of their race, sex, age, religion, disability status, or any other protected category. All employees are required to cooperate with an investigation of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.Discover your rights and your employer's duties under Texas Labor Law with this comprehensive guide. Secure for persons in this state, including persons with disabilities, freedom from discrimination in certain employment transactions. A complete list of forms can be found at the bottom of this page. Please read the instructions below to ensure that you select the correct form. Get information on wage and hour laws, child labor, industry specific laws and how New York is combating wage theft. These factors be considered in the selection of new employees. 2. There is not a processing fee to update your current employer information with Domestic Relations. Distinguishing Characteristics This is the third in a series of three briefing attorney job classifications within the Attorneys job family.