Utah does not require employers to provide rest breaks for adult workers. Breaks and rest periods in Utah.Employees working more than six consecutive hours per day are entitled to an uninterrupted break of 20 minutes. (2) An employee may take a 15 minute compensated break period for every four hours worked. Although breaks are not required, employers must pay employees for time they spend working and for shorter breaks during the day. Breaks of 30 minutes or more can be unpaid, provided the employee is completely relieved from duty. If you are under 18, yes. Utah law dictates minors are to be given a 30 min break for lunch for every 5 hours worked. An employee must not work for more than five hours in a row without getting a 30minute eating period (meal break) free from work. You can also use it to set up break and overtime rules that will keep you compliant with federal, state, and local labor laws, as well as FLSA rules.