Utah law doesn't require employers to provide vacation leave. Private employers in Utah are not required to provide paid or unpaid vacation.(1) An FLSA exempt employee may not work more than 80 hours in a pay period without management approval. In Utah State, there are no specific laws that require private employers to provide employees with either paid or unpaid holiday leave. An eligible employee accrues leave based on the following years of benefits eligible state service: (a) less than five years -- four hours per pay period. Under Utah law, vacation leave, holiday leave, sick leave, paid time off are treated as wages. Employers are not obligated under Utah or federal law to offer paid time off for holidays. Employers must pay employees for unused vacation time upon separation from employment. Paid Sick Leave Laws: Utah does not have a state-mandated paid sick leave law. If you don't have Kronos access, you will need to submit an accrual adjustment form when banked accruals are used.