Classified state employees serve a probationary period of one year from their employment or re-employment date. A probationary period can be a useful management tool, but it can also cause legal trouble.Learn how and when to use probationary periods. How Should Employers Set Out Probationary Periods? Probationary periods are normally included as a clause in the main Employment contract. A person can get fired during a probation period, if they are in an atwill employment state. A probationary period is an initial period of employment where an employer can consider whether an employee is able to meet its standards and expectations. If you are sentenced to probation in Virginia, you need to understand the rules you are required to follow. The probationary period should be viewed as the final step in the hiring process where the new employee demonstrates his or her aptitude for their position. Except to make up for the employee's absence, the probationary period may not be extended for more than six additional months.