This guide will help you navigate the essential elements that should be included in a Virginia employee handbook to protect both the employer and employees. This handbook contains general information about your employment with the Commonwealth and outlines policies and procedures that affect your daily work.State employees are allowed up to 30 days of paid leave in any calendar year, in addition to any other paid leave, to serve as bone marrow or organ donors. Va. This document is part of the latest version of the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry. Division of Labor and Employment Law's Field Operations Manual. Discover your rights and your employer's duties under Virginia Labor Law with this comprehensive guide. The guide provides broad coverage of crucial employment law topics, from hiring to termination. Designed for the non-specialist, it gets to the point quickly. The mandated state and federal labor law posters that all employees must be informed of are located in this document. If you're a new employer, read this guide for the six steps you should follow when hiring employees in Virginia.