Once dismissed, your employer is required to transfer redundancy payments under the cover of your termination. Employers must give their workers a written notice of termination that includes the dates their employment and benefits end.My employer fired me for an unfair reason, or for no reason at all. The NYS WARN Act requires covered businesses to provide early warnings of closures and layoffs to all affected. Redundancies have been a hot-button issue over the past 18 months, with no fewer than four Employment Court decisions dealing with them. There is no requirement in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for severance pay. If you are an employer, learn about laws governing the termination of "at will" employment, including discrimination and retaliation. Contractual severance pay. It is important that employees are not informed that their role has become redundant until the consultation process has concluded. The weekly rate of statutory sick pay will be ÂŁ116.75 (up from ÂŁ109.40).