In the wake of the pandemic, therefore, employers are advised to include provisions relating to remote working in the contracts of employment. Section 11 of the Labour Act requires written notice in order to terminate a contract.Notice. The Labour Act provides for termination with notice or payment in lieu of notice. The National Minimum Wage Act, 2019 ("National Minimum Wage. This chapter explores Nigerian labour laws and regulations, including market and litigation trends, redundancies, business protections and more. A general introduction to Employment Law in Nigeria, focusing on practical implications and commercial impacts. The Labour Act, L1 LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2021 (SB. 469) was also introduced in the Senate of the National Assembly as a private member bill. The Labor Act stipulates that either party intending to terminate a work contract must provide due notice. Bloomfield LP is one of Nigeria's top labour and employment law firms.