The employer must provide at least fifteen calendar days' written notice to the employee and state the reason for separation. The law does not require employers to give a worker notice before terminating their job.Washington is an "atwill employment" state, meaning that employers can fire an employee at any timeand employees can leave at any time. Unlike many states, Washington does not require employers to issue any sort of separation notice when an employee leaves the company. 3. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounter If you are an at-will employee, an employer can usually terminate you any time, for any or no reason. Washington labor laws cover various employment situations including areas like hiring and discrimination, pay, leave, breaks, workplace safety and much more. If you are not willing to risk being sued, you may need to give four weeks' notice, even if it means delaying your start date at your new job. Your employer is not required to keep you on as an employee when you give 2 weeks notice. Summary of state requirements: An employer must give notice 60 days prior to a plant closing, layoff, or relocation.