Employees must be allowed a paid rest period, free from duties, of at least 10 minutes for every 4 hours worked. Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day.According to Washington employee break laws, employees are entitled to a paid rest break of at least 10 minutes for every 4 hours that they work. Does your state require employers give workers lunch breaks? Find out the regulations on lunch break laws and rest periods here. No employee may be required to work more than three hours without a break period. Employees cannot waive rest break requirements. Wash. Admin. Washington employers must provide employees with a rest break that is 10 minutes long for every 4 hours worked. State law requires a paid 10 minute break every 4 hours of work and an unpaid 30 minute meal break every 5 hours of work. An additional 30minute unpaid meal break when working more than 12 hours in a day.