No unpaid tryout or training period. • Manual workers must be paid weekly and within 7 days of end of week worked.New York hospitality sector employers must navigate a maze of often conflicting, unintuitive laws and regulations. The Minimum Wage Order for the Hospitality Industry covers employees in the hotel and restaurant industries. NYC labor laws for hospitality. Our New York Labor Law Poster Compliance Kit has any state-mandated notice available for immediate download and print. The following article will cover: How to protect your business from the common claims hospitality employees file against their employers in New York State. When a New York employer hires a new employee, specific information must be reported to the state within 20 calendar days of the hiring date. If not contrary to state or local laws, 16- and 17-year-olds may be employed during any hours. No one under age 18 may be employed in a hazardous occupation.