A no pay rise letter to employees is the perfect opportunity to explain where an employee's performance needs improving to garner the requested salary increase. No law demands a periodic raise from all employers for all employees.If not, try explaining that you "took the job on good faith that the raise would be forth coming. You may not receive a pay raise in two years simply because you haven't asked for one. This video is about how to properly fill out a request for verification of employment that you most likely just received from a mortgage lender. Discover 7 different employment verification letter templates with different details for proof of employment or future job opportunities. Complete a Personnel Action Notice (PAN) form for any employees who receive a change in pay rate due to the California minimum wage increase. If you're being offered a promotion without a raise, this is how to negotiate for your own long-term career interests. Michigan has prohibited salary history bans in the state. You will only accrue vacation for months in which you work a minimum of 70 hours.