If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, file a written notice of claim with the No-Fault insurer that identify the injured person(s). A notice of claim must be filed in writing.The proof can be in the form of a letter from your job or from a doctor, a driver's license showing your birth date, or other similar documents. I crafted a demand letter, from a combination of many templates I found online. It outlines the details of the accident, injuries sustained, medical treatments received, and associated costs. Please include in your letter or e-mail, your name, address, e-mail address and phone number so that we may properly respond to your inquiry in writing. A sample confirming letter is shown below. You can follow this format for almost any important (or seemingly important) piece of information. Car Accident Private Settlement Letter – What to Know. The private settlement letter follows an agreement between individuals who have been in a car accident.