Circuit Court fillable forms allow you to enter information on a form while displayed in Adobe Acrobat and then print the completed form out. Affidavit of Accuracy: Certification that the information contained in the Application for.Prequalification is true and accurate. On the Documents tab, upload your letter using the document type "Service Request", and designate it as the main document. The acknowledgement letter received from Fairfax County Public Schools may be presented for verification of enrollment. Viewing your registration status and voter information has gotten easier with the Virginia Department of Elections' citizen portal. Plow, plant and dwell upon the Commons, with- out hiring them, or paying Rent to any. Delivered to the Generall and the chief Officers on Saturday June 9. For private residences, there is a limit of one sample site per customer. The Select Committee has identified PRCmade drones as a threat to the national and economic security of the United States.