Fairfax Circuit Court offers customers the option to electronically file into new and existing Civil Law cases, and existing Criminal cases. In this post, our attorneys at the Manassas Law Group will describe how to negotiate a settlement in Virginia.Attorney List must fill out an application available in the Court Services Office in Room 203 in the Fairfax County Courthouse. Establish through your friend that he had insurance on the vehicle and that will likely result in a resolution with the court. The offer is contingent on your client's confirmation with documentation at settlement that existing debt. This allow you to access this treatment even if you do not have health insurance or the means to pay right away. This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. In a private settlement letter, the signers of the vehicle agreements agree not to contact their insurance companies. Confirmation of the Sale Without Motion. This allow you to access this treatment even if you do not have health insurance or the means to pay right away.