The hours of operation are 7 a.m. This EIN confirmation letter is called CP 575, and the IRS only mails the letter to the mailing address listed on line 4 of the SS-4 application.Advise the caller as follows: "I'm sorry, but we are unable to provide you with an EIN over the telephone. The only two ways to get an EIN Verification Letter (147C) is to call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933, or to mail the IRS a written request. This confirmation letter is known as Form CP 575 and is mailed to the address mentioned in your Form SS-4 application. Please complete the Employer Electronic Filing Registration Form. Use this application to open an Individual or Joint Tenant mutual fund account in a Transfer on Death registration. Taxpayers must create a username to access the system. For those who can still venture out into their communities, we serve in gathering places, such as senior centers and community facilities. It was shown that the element present after disintegration was close in atomic number to the original target sample.