You will have to give the court a good reason why the Settlement should be changed and bring any proof that may get the judge to agree with you. A settlement conference is a meeting between you, someone from the Court (a Judge, Court Attorney, or Court Referee), and the plaintiff.Yes you usually can and if they have a judgment you can actually get a court ordered payment plan in place. HOWEVER timing is everything. This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. Operational Hours AM - PM Mon. To make a debt settlement agreement, you should identify your debt owner, negotiate a settlement, and formalize the agreement in writing with all details. This form is to be used when petitioning the Probate Court for authorization to compromise a doubtful personal injury claim of a minor pursuant to O.C.G.A.. Weiss ("Weiss"), as well as the bookkeepers who process payments through New Fulton on behalf of the nursing home. "Additional Remediation Amount.