How to fill out the Employment Confirmation Letter Template for Students? 1. Add the employee's last and first name. 2.Do you need to show that you are enrolled, were previously enrolled, or have earned a degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign? This is to certify that the above named student was registered as a full time student, in an undergraduate program, for the Spring Day 2015 term. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago. Here are sample letters and forms often used to communicate with the school about the needs of a student. 1. Enter the current date. Students on an F-1 visa are eligible to take a quarter-long break after completing three consecutive quarters while remaining in the US. Certain F-1 and J-1 international students toward the end of their degree program (e.g. Submitting appropriate lesson plans, arranging for conferences, and completing reports on time;.