☐ Settlement Amount: Indicate the amount of the gross settlement, how and when the settlement will be paid, and information regarding payment plan, if any. Your debt settlement proposal letter must be formal and clearly state your intentions and what you expect from your creditors.Learn about cash settlements in your case and how they are accepted and approved. David Azizi explains the process of cash settlement acceptance. This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. Fill out the form, attach your proof of payment and file it with the court. The clerk will enter a Satisfaction of Judgment in your court record. The Franchise Tax Board will send a notice or letter to personal taxpayers and business entities for issues that may include but not limited to: If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. You will need to file proof with the Court that the Petitioner has been served.