INSTRUCTIONS: You must complete this Claim Form in order to make a Claim for compensation under the. Settlement. What is in the settlement?We can offer clients an initial 'fixed fee' consultation (either in person in the office or on the phone) for £175 for up to 1 hour's time. Our employment team has unparallel experience in advising on the terms of settlement agreements and negotiating them to your maximum advantage. Our fees for bringing claims for unfair and wrongful dismissal are based on three bands, which we will be happy to discuss with you. This Agreement sets forth the terms, rules and regulations under which we will provide deposit services to you. "Settlement Funds" shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Class Settlement Agreement. 3. The purpose of this chapter shall be to provide rules, regulations and standards to guide land subdivision and site development in the Borough of Middlesex. Before you file a Settlement Agreement with the Supreme Court that is handling your divorce, you will have to pay a fee to the County Clerk. A payment to cover the tenant's actual moving costs, or a dislocation allowance of.