Call or text (877) 735-0016 or fill out our form to apply today for free. Parties submitting class action settlements for preliminary and final approval in the Northern District of California should review and follow these guidelines.If you are ready to learn about how a lawsuit loan in Oakland can benefit you and your legal journey, fill out our Apply Now form or call us at (866) 388-2288. Fill in your contact details, account number and any extra information you want to include in the grey shaded areas. Today's date will be added automatically. EFiling is available for most case types for case initiation and subsequent filings on civil, domestic, and criminal cases. Use our free Oakland, Alameda County, California mortgage closing costs calculator to quickly estimate your closing expenses on your home mortgage. Please submit the following information with the form: Deed of Trust; Borrower(s) Signed Authorization; The Signed Loan Payoff Request Form. This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) provides information, education, and technical assistance on debt issuance and public.