To go to an employee's profile, you need to navigate to Employee Management > Employee List and then you can search for the employee's name from the search bar. Verifiers would include those wishing to verify an employee's current or former employment dates, job title, income, wage history, etc.The ELC may contact your employer to confirm this information. A Letter Confirming Employment Template is a crucial document which many employers manage to provide to their employees in a dependable order. All employment verification requests must be made in writing using the form below. Please complete each section which has been marked on Page 1 AND Page 2 of this form. Section I – GENERAL INFORMATION. 1. Whether or not you can use the Orange Carpet Visa Facility depends on which country your business is based in. OCERS offers a full compliment of online and printable forms for its members and employers to assist with the various changes in one's career and life. 108 votes, 90 comments.