Access to Forms The Superior Court of Orange County offers several options to assist the public in completing court forms. Your agreement needs to say that you both agree to end the marriage and what you agreed about property or spousal support.Packets of forms are available for purchase here for Small Claims, Evictions, and Unlawful Detainer. The settlement and notice to class members should state that an aggrieved employee may not opt out of the PAGA settlement. The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Service–Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-040(D)). OC Local Rule 707 A(2) provides that an mandatory settlement conference (MSC) brief must be served on the other party at least 5 calendar days prior to the MSC. Confirm your VA benefit status. Download letters like your eligibility or award letter for certain benefits. Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. The settlement and notice to class members should state that an aggrieved employee may not opt out of the PAGA settlement.