A sample letter template is provided, detailing essential information such as the claimant's details, settlement amount, and mailing address. This is a sample settlement demand letter for a car accident claim involving soft tissue injuries.Under the law, your insurance company has 15 days to notify you if your claim has been accepted or rejected. If you need help call Munley Law. If the judge awards you compensation, the insurance company has 30 days to settle the claim. The letter should include the date and time of the accident, the nature of the accident, and the extent of injuries. Discover essential information on Pennsylvania car accident laws, settlements, and claims in our comprehensive 2024 e-guide. It outlines the details of the accident, injuries sustained, medical treatments received, and associated costs. It is common for drivers involved in minor accidents to work out a settlement between themselves," he says. Write a brief account of the auto accident and refer to any notes you have, police reports, relevant laws, or any other records.