Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. After you file the Pre-Trial Statement, you and the other party must go to a Settlement Conference to make a final attempt at working out your.Fill out a simple, secure Demand Letter questionnaire and Courtlinked handles all the legal form filing work. Gov to submit your settlement offer. Fill out all relevant fields in Form Letters Of Appointment Of Personal Represetnative And Acceptance Of Appointment (Pima), take a break, and then review. Settlement Without Final Judgment. Completing the form. Print the Verification of Lawful Presence Form, fill it out and sign the document. Fill in the fields on the Request for Information form, then click the Submit button at the bottom of that page to submit your request. To comply with state law, PCC students seeking in-state tuition must complete a one-time Verification of Lawful Presence Form.