An agreement can be reached before you come to court or when you are in court. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. These forms should be filed with the court clerk at the supreme court in the county in which one of the spouses is a resident (see residency rules). NOTE: You should also send a copy of the check and cover letter to the Division of Liens and Recovery – Estates Unit staff member that worked on your case. Through my prior experiences, I have developed strong time management, writing, research, and analytical skills, which I am refining at Columbia Law School. Dear (RZ\QQH: I am currently entering my second year in the Faculty of Law at Queen's University. Letter Of Invitation For US Visa Application - Editable Form. A customizable template that you can edit in just a minute. For more information on writing your cover letter, sign up for the Career Prep Module!