If you cannot afford the filing fee, file a Fee Waiver at the same time you file your Name Change forms. FILING FOR MORE THAN ONE PERSON: A separate NC-110 must be completed for EACH PERSON requesting a name change listed in the Petition for Change of Name.This Understanding the Name Change Process in Sacramento guide includes answers to commonly asked questions and sample filled out forms. Request and File a Notice of Intent of Name Change with Safe at Home. Changing a name after the marriage is solemnized requires a court order and can be a lengthy, expensive process. You'll need to fill out the appropriate forms, including the Civil Case Cover Sheet and the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name. This screencast is designed to help you complete the papers necessary to change your name through the Superior Court of California. If you have general questions about your Petition for Name Change case or need to request a new hearing date, please call (916) 874-5522. Where do I file and what forms should I use? Download PDF BOE-502-A REV.