This article provides a template for a debt settlement proposal letter and explains what a debt settlement letter should contain. A pay for delete letter is a negotiation tool to have negative information removed from your credit report.If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. Most debt settlement letters include: The date, name, and address of the credit card company. When drafting a debt settlement letter, you'll want to include basic information, including your name and account number. A good debt settlement letter should be concise, thorough, and convincing enough to get a creditor to agree to your terms. Investors are not required to fill out an FS Form 1199A. Often, you can call creditors yourself and follow up with a debt settlement letter. Credit Card BenefitsExplore built-in card benefits. The complete 7 - digit confirmation number is given to the taxpayer at the time the payment is completed.