When placing the request with NSC, be as complete as possible. If you were selected for verification your award is based on the completion of your To Do List in a timely manner.Confirmation letters are a formal way of acknowledging receipt of an application, order, or payment. This is your confirmation letter for your one-day, transfer student orientation session for Spartan Experience for Transfers Session 1 on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. May God bless your life with happiness, devotion and love like he fills the sky with stars and sunshine. Best wishes on your confirmation day! This is to certify that the above named student was registered as a full time student, in an undergraduate program, for the Spring Day 2015 term. The. Dear In-coming Confirmation Students and Families,. Some forms may be available as fillable PDF's in the Adobe Sign library accessible via the SSO portal. We can provide a Student Confirmation Letter in the format of a letter or email.