Learn how to write a personal injury demand letter for a car accident settlement in Texas. And the tips in this article actually work.The letter should begin with the claimant's full name, address, and contact details. Below is a sample settlement letter from the paying agency to the OAG authorizing the settlement or judgment and amount of the claim. Read our Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement template to understand our law firm's procedure in most settlements. On this day of , (year), I certify, pursuant to Tex. In this article, we discuss how to write a demand letter, what to include in a demand letter, and provide a Texas demand letter template. The statute and rules provide no method or procedure for obtaining a verification after a service has been furnished. No one wants to go to court if resolving an issue without litigation is possible. Find out what to do when the atfault driver wants to pay outofpocket and how to settle without filing an insurance claim.