Washington's financial responsibility law requires uninsured drivers and vehicle owners to be responsible for collision damages. I crafted a demand letter, from a combination of many templates I found online.Settlement negotiations are a key part of personal injury cases. The majority of personal injury cases settle before the parties go to trial. If you're the victim of a hit-and-run or in an accident with a driver who doesn't have insurance or not enough coverage, here's what you need to know. Find out what to do when the atfault driver wants to pay outofpocket and how to settle without filing an insurance claim. If you disagree with an individual or a company, and informal efforts to resolve your dispute fail, you should write a demand letter. Washington requires that motorists always have proof of valid car insurance in their vehicles. If the insurance company elects to make a cash settlement for your totaled vehicle, they must first determine its retail value. A demand letter serves as a formal request to the insurance company, outlining the incident, the injuries sustained, and the financial losses incurred.