The only two ways to get an EIN Verification Letter (147C) is to call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933, or to mail the IRS a written request. In order to request a new Employer Identification Number, go to the U. S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website and complete the Online Application for EIN.This EIN confirmation letter is called CP 575, and the IRS only mails the letter to the mailing address listed on line 4 of the SS-4 application. This article will cover everything you need to know about EINs and what to do if you lose your EIN confirmation letter from the IRS. This confirmation letter is known as Form CP 575 and is mailed to the address mentioned in your Form SS-4 application. If you file an "Application for. If you qualify for the Illinois Property Tax Credit, you will need your Property Index Number, sometimes called "parcel number" or "permanent index number. For those who can still venture out into their communities, we serve in gathering places, such as senior centers and community facilities. 2 South Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27601-2903. 919-814-5400. MyEinsteinHealth Patient Portal.