Get a board resolution template sample to open a bank account and save as a . "RESOLVED THAT a Current Account in the name of the Company be opened with ______ Bank,.1. Identify the authorized signatories for the bank account. This endowment can include both Board designated funds and funds to be held in perpetuity that serve two purposes. 1. Identify the authorized signatories for the bank account. Are done daily as well into DCR off book bank accounts. To submit comments, find your credit union in the table listed below and use the link to go to the credit unionspecific comment area. The sale is part of Allegheny's drive to diversify out of metals and metal related industries. 1.2 is a copy of the Bylaws or Operating Agreements for the following. Columbia University has announced the 2024 Pulitzer Prizes, awarded on the recommendation of the Pulitzer Prize Board.