Get a board resolution template sample to open a bank account and save as a . This corporate resolution form will often specify who may sign checks, borrow money or make banking decisions."RESOLVED THAT a Current Account in the name of the Company be opened with ______ Bank,. Complete this form and we'll quickly prepare a corporate resolution to open a bank account. We'll need some basic information, i.e. Just fill in the information requested in the blanks, sign and date the resolution, and you should be able to open a bank account for your LLC, hassle-free. Banking Accounts - Use Bank Resolution to Open Account. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined it to be in the best interest of the. The Post Office Opens in a new window will accept most old notes as a deposit into any UK bank account you can access with them. See the Holiday Schedule for FedACH Services to find out when file processing ends and resumes.