We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. This article will help your nonprofit board roles and responsibilities provide structure and guidance for the nonprofit's goals.Different template options: Provide a variety of template options (e.g. , general resolutions, financial resolutions, property transactions). If the corporation has members with voting rights, the board resolution must also recommend the proposed transaction to the members. Thus, they should consist of a clear, accurate, and complete report of all business transacted and should be worded in a manner that is simple and unambiguous. The 50 members of Manhattan Community Board 4 volunteer to represent the district's residents, institutions, non-profit and businesses' common interests. The designated representative of a nonprofit, educational organization or governmental organization in the neighborhood. Full text of "Full Filing" for fiscal year ending June 2017. Although this information is not part of the basic financial statements, the.