We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. The Standards of Payment system consists of the mandates and procedures used to establish maximum reimbursement rates for the foster care of children.(vi) demolition and clean out expenses necessary to complete the design of the project;. (vii) legal and organizational expenses;. NARUC Resolutions Format, Style Guide, and FAQs. Download the Resolutions Template as a Word Document. The NSC is a national nonprofit that provides enrollment and degree verification data for more than 3,500 colleges and universities in the. Indiana Supreme Court Self Service Legal Center provides information, forms and resources on a limited number of legal issues (mostly family law related). All minutes and petition documentation for the Area Boards, or the Advisory Boards (prior to 2008), are available upon request in the Plan Commission Office. Check out our other free resolution templates below: Board of Directors Resolutions.