To obtain recognition as a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt entity, Form 1023 must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The donor or grantor expects that the organization will use the.Free template for a corporate resolution. Use our free form to formally document your corporation's resolutions to add to your corporate records. A Nevada corporation resolution form is a legal document that directors of a corporation adopt to document consent and agreement between all relevant parties. Fill out the form and submit to the state. The documents on this page pertain to managing an existing Nevada Corporation or a Qualified Foreign (Non-Nevada) Corporation only. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. 501(c)(3) nonprofits apply using Form 1023 or Form 1023-EZ. A personalized corporate records book, seal, and 20 membership certificates, all foil-stamped with your company name.