This is a template for a Board Resolution. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier.This article will help your nonprofit board roles and responsibilities provide structure and guidance for the nonprofit's goals. Minutes serve as the official (and legal) record of the meeting of the board of directors. They are presumed to be correct and are considered legal evidence. Seven steps for writing a board resolution, plus a definition, what it's required, how to pass a resolution and FAQs. Purchase our 10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards to learn more about each responsibility in-depth. A common question: Should your nonprofit's CEO also be a board member? A complete guide for nonprofit boards and board members, including essential templates for board meetings, policies, and onboarding. In a recent case the New York Court of Appeals presumed that the business judgment rule applied to a decision of not-for-profit directors.