When filing a Form RRF-1, charitable organizations are required to file a copy of their annual IRS Form 990, Form 990-EZ, or Form 990-PF informational return. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier.This handy comprehensive checklist to help nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations stay up-to-date with annual filing requirements. The purpose of this guide is to help you decide whether to form a nonprofit organization and, if so, whether it should be organized as a nonprofit corporation. Thus, they should consist of a clear, accurate, and complete report of all business transacted and should be worded in a manner that is simple and unambiguous. Below is the timeline for submission. "A useful resource to help you get underway. The resolution process is an important part of the SSCCC governance. He also is a licensed helicopter pilot and has performed for years as a guitarist. A California nonprofit may wish to make changes to the organization that could have tax and legal consequences.