See Form 202 (Word 152kb, PDF 142kb). We've compiled common types of donation requests, plus carefully crafted templates that your team can use to jumpstart your outreach.Donation forms for nonprofits can help drive giving. Here's how to ensure yours are simple, on-brand, secure, and user-friendly. These Bylaws are subject to, and governed by, the Texas Non-Profit. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. To create a 501(c)(3)-compliant receipt with Donorbox, simply log in and use our easy template editor. Nonprofits in Texas are required to have some form of board documentation, especially if you have tax-exempt status. BAR Sample Bylaws NonMembership Org. BYLAWS. of. (name of org.) a Texas Nonprofit Corporation.