To reinstate, fill out the Application for Reinstatement . This booklet is intended to assist those seeking to form a "generic format" non-profit corporation.To create a 501(c)(3) taxexempt organization, first you need to form a Utah nonprofit corporation. A board resolution template provides guidance when creating resolutions, streamlining the process for greater efficiency. Organizations requesting recognition of taxexempt status under section 501(c)(3) must complete and submit their Form. Our business law attorney in South Jordan, Salt Lake County can help you with an NFPO from formation until its cessation and from document review to litigation. UNA's Standards of Ethics tool encompasses ethical practices, identifies areas of success, and focuses on areas in need of attention. Please fill out this form and let us know how we can be of service. We will happily offer you a free consultation to determine how we can best serve you. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier.