Opening a nonprofit bank account requires a banking resolution. We walk you through the A-Zs of how to design this important document.Board resolution templates are valuable when nonprofit boards need to create a formal, legal record of certain important decisions. This corporate resolution form will often specify who may sign checks, borrow money or make banking decisions. Identify the required fields such as dates and names of board members. Get a board resolution template sample to open a bank account and save as a . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed my name as Secretary and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of the above-named Corporation this. A lack of appropriate tools for the resolution of banks resulted in the necessity to resort to public funds to maintain financial stability. A lack of appropriate tools for the resolution of banks resulted in the necessity to resort to public funds to maintain financial stability. Note: This figure provides an example of a jurisdiction's sector of organisations working in the not-for-profit realm.