B. Are board minutes open to the public? Washington State law does not require the board minutes of nonprofit corporations to be open to the public.Purchase our 10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards to learn more about each responsibility in-depth. We're even going to share a few nonprofit board resolution templates with you to help make your resolution-writing much easier. The information contained in this handbook may become out of date. This 2022 Edition includes information on the revised Washington Nonprofit. An adequate statement of mission and purpose should serve as a guide to organizational planning, board and staff decision-making, volunteer initiatives, and. Nonprofit boards' responsibilities include a fundamental, legal obligation to provide oversight and accountability for their organizations. While it is possible to form a non-corporate, nonprofit organization, and obtain federal 501(c) tax exemption, the vast majority of organizations choose. Detailed explanation of nonprofit board of directors with legal requirements, roles and responsibilities for board members, officers and committees.