Free template for an LLC member resolution. Editable document you can use to formally record member resolutions for your limited liability company.WHEREAS, the LLC is authorized to do business in the State of California;. This document provides step-by-step instructions for completing Form LLC-1 to establish a limited liability company. A comprehensive guide on how to create a single member LLC resolution template, including a sample template and tips on how to ensure accuracy and completeness. Learn if a corporate resolution is needed for your LLC, how to fill out a corporate resolution form and more in this guide. Staff is recommending that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an amended and restated professional services. Unlike corporations, LLCs don't need to file business resolutions with the state. Limited Liability Company: •. JGPC Attorneys and Paralegals Have Helped Clients Form Hundreds of Limited Liability Companies (LLC) and Family Limited Liability Companies (FLLC).