Just fill in the information requested in the blanks, sign and date the resolution, and you should be able to open a bank account for your LLC, hassle-free. We have an LLC resolution to open a bank account template and it's is completely free since this is a resolution that your LLC will need to adopt.When you want to authorize others in your business to use the account, we offer a banking resolution template to simplify the process. How to fill out the Single Member LLC Authorization Resolution? 1. Enter the Sole Member's full name. 2. Single Member LLC Authorization Resolution. This document serves as an authorization resolution for a Single Member LLC to operate accounts at Purdue Federal. Item 12: Name Change: If you want your name changed, state the full name you want to be called when the dissolution becomes final. Types of resolutions detailed in a Corporate Resolution include: opening bank accounts, executing contracts, or leasing equipment or facilities. LLC Resolution to Open a Business Bank Account?