Learn if a corporate resolution is needed for your LLC, how to fill out a corporate resolution form and more in this guide. Corporate Resolutions are a vitally important part of your LLC management and should be used for every corporate decision in your business.Formation of Business Entities and Nonprofit Corporations Under the Texas Business Organizations Code: Online filing available through SOSDirect. Drafting a corporate resolution means that you have a written record in your organizations files that shows exactly how you undertook some change. A free corporate resolution template can help you make those decisions correctly. Us or call 512-463-5555. Title of document: Give the resolution a descriptive name. The name of the corporation is: State the name of the entity as currently shown in the records of the secretary of state. She added that she intended to make sure the Resolution was followed up with action and an expansion of public health programs. Small claims are cases filed in the county justice of the peace courts (also referred to simply as "justice courts") in Texas.