Formation of Business Entities and Nonprofit Corporations Under the Texas Business Organizations Code: Online filing available through SOSDirect. Submit the completed form in duplicate along with the filing fee.This information is provided as a courtesy to assist with completing and returning the City of Houston Form 584. In authentication of the adoption of this resolution, I subscribe my name on this day of _ ____, 20 . A corporate resolution is a document written during a board of directors meeting detailing a corporate action taken during the meeting. First, email us a photocopy of your Texas board resolutions documents that you have already filed with the Texas Secretary of State office. Resolutions of Authority name an individual that is authorized to act on behalf of a Corporation, Partnership, or. Company. First, email us a photocopy of your Texas board resolutions documents that you have already filed with the Texas Secretary of State office. Texas Corporate Resolution Template. Even if you don't have a resolution, some outside parties provide a form of resolution you can fill out.